
Hi! I'm glad you stopped by!

My grandma taught me how to crochet when I was six years old. She just taught me the basics. I could make rows back and forth, back and forth like it was nobody's business! I even made a giant blanket for my boyfriend (now husband) for his birthday.

When I was in college, I worked at a living history museum, and I learned how to knit. I made hats, mittens, and even a pair of socks! Knitting was OK, but I didn't really have the patience for it. I kept dropping stitches and losing counts.

One day this past spring (2012), my mom was cleaning out one of her closets and dropped off a bunch of stuff at my house. One of the things she gave me was a a "Learn How to Crochet" book. I got out some yarn and tried out a few things, went to YouTube when I was confused, but I basically retaught myself how to crochet. About the same time that I got the book, I was at a craft fair in town. I saw the CUTEST baby hat and fell in love. The price? Not loving that so much. Now that I'm a mom to the most precious baby girl, I am feelin' the pressure to put her in frills, bows, and cutesy girly things (even though that's SO not me). I decided that I would try making her a hat. Here's my first creation:
Isn't she adorable? 

I kept finding and trying new patterns, and just having so much fun doing it! I really love making things for other people :) I gave away a few hats as baby gifts and kept getting lots of compliments; people asking if/when I was going to sell them. At first I was pretty reluctant. I've been on Etsy and have seen how the market is bombarded with these same kinds of hats. Why would anyone want to buy MY hats?

Fast forward a few months, and here we are. I think the turning point was my owl hat:
Awww... she's getting so BIG!

I had several people ask if they could buy one, and with encouragement from my husband, I decided to start up Baby Ella Millinery.

What's in a Name?
That sweet angel above is my daughter. Her name is Ella. She is the one who inspired me to start making and selling hats. Some of you might be thinking, "What is a millinery?" I first learned of millineries when I was working at Old World Wisconsin. A millinery is basically a shop that designs and manufactures hats. I loved the "old fashioned" sound of the word. And it just flows: Baby Ella Millinery. Yep, I'm sold :)

And not to forget about my sweet "baby" boy, here he is in one of my creations, a hockey helmet:
My mission for Baby Ella Millinery is to make cute, yet affordable hats for children (or adults!) of all ages. I hope you will find something you like, and if there's a certain design that you're not seeing here, let me know. I love to try out new designs!

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